Map of Mind

The Map of Mind from is a powerful tool designed to guide individuals in their personal growth. The key elements:

  1. Self: This represents self-awareness, self-identity, and understanding your inner world.
  2. Connection: Focusing on relationships, belonging, and connecting with others.
  3. Intention: The purposeful direction you set for your actions and choices.
  4. Engagement: Being present, mindful, and actively participating in life experiences.
  5. Meaning: Discovering fulfillment and significance in your life.
  6. Purpose: Understanding your unique reason for being and aligning your actions with it.

The ultimate goal of the Map of Mind is to connect—by experiencing, growing, creating, and contributing to the world around you. It serves as a compass to help you find and create experiences that fill you with purpose and meaning.

The purpose of the POIA practice is to confront the inertia that we face in modern society and steer ourselves towards those true experiences that we seek in our lives. Inertia is the lack of motivation, direction, or purpose that prevents people from living a fulfilling life. It can be caused by fear, doubt, boredom, or complacency, and can lead to dissatisfaction, stagnation, and regret. To overcome inertia, people need to reconnect with themselves, others, and the world, by pursuing the experiences that resonate with them, and that make them feel alive, fulfilled, and meaningful. These experiences are the point of life, and they can vary from person to person, depending on their values, beliefs, and aspirations.

The compass is a tool that helps people find and create these experiences, and to renew their sense of connection. The compass consists of several key domains: Experience, Connection, Intention, and Growth. Each domain has several subtopics that explore different aspects of one’s inner and outer self, one’s agency and meaning, and one’s motivation and growth. The compass guides people to confront the inertia that they face in modern society, and to steer themselves towards those true experiences that they seek in their life.


POIA is a practice that can help you improve your quality of life by engaging with the experiences that matter to you. Here are some ways you can use POIA in your daily life:

  • Set your intention: Start each day by reflecting on what you want to achieve, how you want to feel, and what you want to learn. Write down your intention and keep it in mind throughout the day. This will help you focus on what is important and meaningful to you.
  • Use the compass: The compass is a tool that helps you navigate the opportunities and challenges of life. It consists of key elements: intention, growth, experiences, and connection. You can use the compass to evaluate your current situation, identify your goals, plan your actions, and measure your progress. You can also use the compass to adjust your course if needed, and to celebrate your achievements.
  • Conquer inertia: Inertia is the obstacle that prevents you from living a fulfilling life. It can be caused by fear, doubt, boredom, or complacency. To conquer inertia, you need to overcome your resistance, understand your angst, and replace your negative habits with positive ones. You can do this by seeking a compelling ‘yes’ to life’s opportunities, embracing the mystery of your existence, and cultivating a lifestyle that fuels your aspirations.
  • Explore growth: Growth is the role that you play in life. It means that you embrace the challenges and opportunities that life presents you, and use them to evolve and transform yourself. To explore growth, you need to pursue the experiences that resonate with you, that make you feel alive, fulfilled, and meaningful. You can do this by following your curiosity, passion, and purpose, and by seeking variety, flow, transcendence, and awe.
  • Seek wellbeing: Wellbeing is the outcome that you seek in life. It means that you are healthy, happy, and balanced, and that you have a positive impact on yourself, others, and the world. To seek wellbeing, you need to take care of your physical, mental, emotional, and social needs, and to align your actions with your values and beliefs. You can do this by practicing habits that promote your health, happiness, creativity, grit, prosperity, and longevity. 


Applications of POIA on our daily lives

 Empowered Agency:

    • Acknowledging our consciousness as the architect empowers us.
    • We become co-creators, not passive observers.
    • Our thoughts, intentions, and mental narratives ripple through existence, shaping our reality.

 Empowerment and Responsibility:

    • Acknowledging consciousness as the architect of reality empowers individuals.
    • We become active participants in shaping our lives, relationships, and collective destiny.
    • With this awareness comes responsibility—to use our consciousness wisely, ethically, and compassionately.

 Health and Well-Being:

    • Research highlights that mindsets impact our biology.
    • Optimizing stress responses, embracing positive beliefs, and fostering resilience become vital.
    • Humanity can harness consciousness to promote health, healing, and longevity.

 Mindset Mastery:

    • Mindsets cease to be mere mental constructs; they become tools.
    • By shifting mindsets intentionally, we optimize stress responses, tap into hidden strengths, and perform at our best.
    • The Self within each of us awaits activation.

     Performance and Achievement:

      • Alter egos demonstrate that mindset shifts lead to remarkable performance improvements.
      • By adopting empowering mental constructs, individuals can overcome limitations and achieve greatness.
      • The Self within each of us awaits activation.

     Unity and Harmony:

      • Baruch Spinoza’s holistic vision aligns with quantum whispers.
      • Recognizing the inseparable connection between mind and body bridges science and spirituality.
      • Humanity can transcend dualities, embracing unity and interconnectedness.

       Time and Purpose:

        • Purpose—our vital needs—becomes our compass, weaving intention into existence as we progress through our lives.

       Cosmic Co-Creation:

        • We—the observers, the egos, the mindful—compose reality.
        • Our consciousness unfurls galaxies within.
        • Embracing our Self, we weave purpose, intention, and beauty into existence.